What is The Main Factor to Consider When Classifying Products

Kate Morh
May 30, 2024
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Organizing your ecommerce products might not sound as thrilling as a high-speed car chase, but trust us, it's crucial for your online store's success. Think of it as the difference between a well-organized library, where you can easily find the book you're looking for, and a chaotic jumble of books piled haphazardly on the floor. One makes you want to stay and browse, while the other makes you want to run for the hills (or at least, the nearest bookstore with a sensible shelving system).

The Great Categorization Conundrum - Why Does it Matter?

Why all the fuss about product classification? It's not just about neatness, my friend. It has a real impact on your bottom line.

Lost in the Labyrinth:

Imagine wandering through a maze of endless product listings, desperately seeking that one specific item you crave. Frustrating, right? Poor product classification can lead to a nightmarish user experience, causing frustration, confusion, and ultimately, high bounce rates. It's like inviting customers to a party and then hiding all the snacks in a secret room. No one wants to play that game.

SEO Sorcery:

Search engines are like bloodhounds, sniffing out relevant content based on keywords and categories. Proper product classification can work its magic, boosting your search engine optimization (SEO) and making it easier for customers (and search engines) to find your products. It's like leaving a trail of breadcrumbs for hungry shoppers (and hungry search engine crawlers). The better your SEO, the higher you'll rank in search results, leading to more visibility and more sales.

The Customer-Centric Compass - Understanding Your Target Audience

To classify your products effectively, you need to understand your customers inside and out. It's like being a mind reader, but without the creepy vibes.

Mind-Reading 101:

Put on your detective hat and try to get inside your customers' heads. What are their needs, wants, and desires? What kind of language do they use to describe your products? By understanding their thought process, you can create categories that resonate with them. It's like speaking their language, but without the awkward accent. Do they call it a "sofa" or a "couch"? A "jumper" or a "sweater"? The words you choose matter.

Segmentation Sensation:

Not all customers are created equal. Some are bargain hunters, while others are willing to splurge on premium products. Segment your audience into different buyer personas and tailor your product classification to their specific needs and preferences. It's like having different menus for different types of diners - everyone gets what they want, and nobody leaves hungry (or in this case, empty-handed).

The Pragmatic Purchaser:

These customers are all about function and value. They want products that are practical, affordable, and solve a specific problem. Categorize your products based on their use case or functionality to appeal to these savvy shoppers. Think "problem-solving products" or "everyday essentials."

The Aspirational Aficionado:

These customers are looking for more than just a product; they want a lifestyle. They're drawn to premium brands, unique designs, and products that elevate their status. Create categories that highlight exclusivity, quality, and aspirational appeal to woo these discerning buyers. Think "luxury goods" or "designer collections."

Building the Taxonomy Tree - Organizing Your Products with Finesse

Now that you understand your customers, it's time to build a product classification system that's both logical and user-friendly. Think of it as creating a family tree for your products - everyone needs to know where they belong.

Hierarchy of Needs (and Products):

Start by creating broad categories that encompass the main types of products you sell. Then, break those categories down into subcategories, and so on, until you reach individual product listings. It's like a choose-your-own-adventure book, guiding customers through your product catalog step by step.

The Goldilocks Principle:

Finding the right level of granularity is key. You want enough categories to make it easy for customers to find what they're looking for, but not so many that they get overwhelmed. It's all about finding that sweet spot, like Goldilocks and her porridge.

Too Broad:

If your categories are too broad, customers will have to wade through a sea of irrelevant products to find what they want. It's like searching for a needle in a haystack.

Too Narrow:

On the other hand, if your categories are too narrow, customers might not discover all the relevant products you offer. It's like hiding your best treasures in a locked chest.

Dynamic Duos - Tags and Attributes for Ultimate Flexibility

Tags and attributes are like the dynamic duo of product classification, adding an extra layer of organization and flexibility.


Tags are keywords or phrases that describe your products in more detail. They can be used to create dynamic collections, filter products based on specific criteria, and even boost your SEO. It's like giving your products superpowers.


Attributes are specific characteristics of your products, like size, color, material, or brand. They can be used to create filterable options on your product listings, allowing customers to easily narrow down their search. It's like giving your customers a magic wand to find exactly what they're looking for.

The Evolution of Classification - Staying Agile in a Changing Market

Your product classification system isn't set in stone. It needs to evolve along with your business and the ever-changing market.

The Data Detective:

Use analytics to track how customers interact with your product categories. Are they finding what they're looking for? Are they using your filters and tags? This data can help you identify areas for improvement and refine your taxonomy over time. It's like having a crystal ball that reveals your customers' secret desires (and frustrations).

We Can Help You Create a User-Friendly Ecommerce Experience

Overwhelmed by the complexities of product classification? Don't worry, we've got your back. Our team of ecommerce experts can help you design a website that's intuitive, user-friendly, and optimized for maximum conversions. Contact us today to learn how we can transform your ecommerce store into a well-organized, customer-centric powerhouse.

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Kate Morh

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